MAZEL TOV, JOHN LENNON is based on the true story of the Nixon administration’s attempt to deport John Lennon. A story of immigration policy used as political tool and presidential abuse of power, the world premier recently debuted to sold out houses, enthusiastic word of mouth, and an extended run. (read more)

RESISTING is a winner of the Wilde Award for Best Original Production. Based on events in Baltimore in 2012, Encore Michigan writes, “RESISTING packs a powerful punch. It’s a polished script, perfectly executed…” A4 writes, “RESISTING should not be missed, nor should its unapologetic look at violence and an unjust system be ignored.” (read more)

YOUNG AMERICANS is a two-character love letter to the Clash, the Cure, and the Smiths. The Detroit Free Press writes that “This 1980s-set work plays like a mixtape of comedy and drama…an entertaining tribute to the power of popular music.” (read more)

IRRATIONAL is a winner of the Wilde Award for Best New Script. This musical tells the story of philosopher, mathematician, and cult leader, Pythagoras. Yeah, that’s right, Pythagoras. (read more)

COUNTY LINE is a winner of the Edgerton Foundation New Play Award. The Detroit Examiner writes, “County Line” champions the difficult subject of teenagers trapped in bad foster home situations. Wells treats the issue with honesty, compassion and restraint while resisting the urge for bombast and browbeating. 5 out of 5 stars.” (read more)

BRILL is a two-character comedy and a National New Play Network Showcase Finalist. Set in 1959 in the New York’s famous Brill Building, the epicenter of the pop music universe, The New Monitor writes, “Give “Brill” a 98, with a bullet, plus four stars and two thumbs up. This is one satisfying show.” (read more)