Since 1993
“Give "Brill" a 98, with a bullet, plus four stars and two thumbs up. This is one satisfying show, lovingly brought to life by an array of talented individuals. Wells' nifty two-player script about a well-seasoned tunesmith and his would-be protege is sure to be picked up by other theaters looking for a stimulating show of their own to produce. “ -- The New Monitor
The summer of 1959 in the epicenter of the pop music industry -- Manhattan’s famous Brill Building was populated entirely with music publishers, record labels, recording studios, musicians, and songwriters. This play with music tells the story of an aging Big Band songwriter who is forced to face the inevitability of rock-and-roll when he shares his office with a 19-year-old woman (think Carole King) with a guitar and a few secrets of her own.
“This script could easily work as just another whimsical odd-couple play. That would have been okay. But “Brill” transcends all that. It takes us to a sacred place, where music is conceived in love and heartache and pain and joy and despair and hope. Always hope.” -- The Detroit Examiner
National New Play Network Showcase Finalist.